2014-05-31 23:21:12 UTC
Analysis of posts to by Robert Marshall
(stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)
Total posts considered: 24 over 31 days
Earliest article: Thu May 1 00:40:10 2014
Latest article: Fri May 23 20:40:08 2014
Original articles: 4, replies: 20
Total size of posts: 66,218 bytes (64K) (0.06M)
Average 0 articles per day, 0.00 MB per day, 2,759 bytes per article
Total headers: 43 KB bodies: 20 KB
Body text - quoted: 10 KB, original: 10 KB = 49.94%, sigs: 0 KB
Total number of posters: 14, average 4,729 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 6, average 11,036 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 9
Top 14 posters by number of articles
1: Peter Martin Baggett <***>............. : 7
2: Lyn Davd Thomas <***>................................ : 4
3: Jon Ribbens <jon+***>..................... : 2
4: kimble <***>................................ : 1
5: uk-gay-lesbian-bi-*** : 1
6: Doug Duncan <***>................ : 1
7: paul <***>............................... : 1
8: Ben Bacarisse <***>........................... : 1
9: "Claudio Calvelli - to email replace qwertyuiop with"... : 1
10: Robert Marshall <***>.......................... : 1
11: *** : 1
12: Niles <***>...................................... : 1
13: Steve Fitzgerald <***>............................ : 1
14: Stats <***>................ : 1
Top 14 posters by article size in Kbytes
1: Peter Martin Baggett <***>............. : 19
2: Lyn Davd Thomas <***>................................ : 10
3: Stats <***>................ : 5
4: Jon Ribbens <jon+***>..................... : 4
5: *** : 3
6: Steve Fitzgerald <***>............................ : 2
7: Doug Duncan <***>................ : 2
8: uk-gay-lesbian-bi-*** : 2
9: Robert Marshall <***>.......................... : 2
10: Ben Bacarisse <***>........................... : 2
11: paul <***>............................... : 2
12: kimble <***>................................ : 2
13: "Claudio Calvelli - to email replace qwertyuiop with"... : 1
14: Niles <***>...................................... : 1
Top 0 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
1: Peter Martin Baggett <***>............. : 30.59%
Bottom 0 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
1: Peter Martin Baggett <***>............. : 30.59%
Top 6 threads by no. of articles
1: Police apologise to gay activist............................... : 15
2: Eurovision Song Contest........................................ : 5
3: Bye bye Agent, hello Unison.................................... : 1
4: Statistics for April for : 1
5: Statistics for February for : 1
6: report for Thu May 1 00:01:01 GMT 2014....... : 1
Top 6 threads by size in KB
1: Police apologise to gay activist............................... : 37
2: Eurovision Song Contest........................................ : 14
3: Statistics for April for : 5
4: Statistics for February for : 2
5: report for Thu May 1 00:01:01 GMT 2014....... : 2
6: Bye bye Agent, hello Unison.................................... : 2
Top 0 cross-posted groups
Top 9 User Agents by poster
1: Gnus........................................................... : 2
2: Forte Agent.................................................... : 2
3: Mozilla........................................................ : 2
4: Unknown........................................................ : 2
5: slrn........................................................... : 2
6: Unison......................................................... : 1
7: G2............................................................. : 1
8: Claws Mail 3.9.3 (GTK+ 2.24.13; x86_64-vlocity-linux-gnu)...... : 1
9: Turnpike....................................................... : 1
Top 9 User Agents by number of posts
1: Unison.................................................... : 7 (29%)
2: Claws Mail 3.9.3 (GTK+ 2.24.13; x86_64-vlocity-linux-gnu). : 4 (17%)
3: slrn...................................................... : 3 (12%)
4: Mozilla................................................... : 2 ( 8%)
5: Gnus...................................................... : 2 ( 8%)
6: unknown................................................... : 2 ( 8%)
7: Forte Agent............................................... : 2 ( 8%)
8: G2........................................................ : 1 ( 4%)
9: Turnpike.................................................. : 1 ( 4%)
Top 10 time zones
1: UTC............................................................ : 24
This was auto-posted using a script by Garry Knight.
Please send questions or comments to ***
Analysis of posts to by Robert Marshall
(stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)
Total posts considered: 24 over 31 days
Earliest article: Thu May 1 00:40:10 2014
Latest article: Fri May 23 20:40:08 2014
Original articles: 4, replies: 20
Total size of posts: 66,218 bytes (64K) (0.06M)
Average 0 articles per day, 0.00 MB per day, 2,759 bytes per article
Total headers: 43 KB bodies: 20 KB
Body text - quoted: 10 KB, original: 10 KB = 49.94%, sigs: 0 KB
Total number of posters: 14, average 4,729 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 6, average 11,036 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 9
Top 14 posters by number of articles
1: Peter Martin Baggett <***>............. : 7
2: Lyn Davd Thomas <***>................................ : 4
3: Jon Ribbens <jon+***>..................... : 2
4: kimble <***>................................ : 1
5: uk-gay-lesbian-bi-*** : 1
6: Doug Duncan <***>................ : 1
7: paul <***>............................... : 1
8: Ben Bacarisse <***>........................... : 1
9: "Claudio Calvelli - to email replace qwertyuiop with"... : 1
10: Robert Marshall <***>.......................... : 1
11: *** : 1
12: Niles <***>...................................... : 1
13: Steve Fitzgerald <***>............................ : 1
14: Stats <***>................ : 1
Top 14 posters by article size in Kbytes
1: Peter Martin Baggett <***>............. : 19
2: Lyn Davd Thomas <***>................................ : 10
3: Stats <***>................ : 5
4: Jon Ribbens <jon+***>..................... : 4
5: *** : 3
6: Steve Fitzgerald <***>............................ : 2
7: Doug Duncan <***>................ : 2
8: uk-gay-lesbian-bi-*** : 2
9: Robert Marshall <***>.......................... : 2
10: Ben Bacarisse <***>........................... : 2
11: paul <***>............................... : 2
12: kimble <***>................................ : 2
13: "Claudio Calvelli - to email replace qwertyuiop with"... : 1
14: Niles <***>...................................... : 1
Top 0 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
1: Peter Martin Baggett <***>............. : 30.59%
Bottom 0 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
1: Peter Martin Baggett <***>............. : 30.59%
Top 6 threads by no. of articles
1: Police apologise to gay activist............................... : 15
2: Eurovision Song Contest........................................ : 5
3: Bye bye Agent, hello Unison.................................... : 1
4: Statistics for April for : 1
5: Statistics for February for : 1
6: report for Thu May 1 00:01:01 GMT 2014....... : 1
Top 6 threads by size in KB
1: Police apologise to gay activist............................... : 37
2: Eurovision Song Contest........................................ : 14
3: Statistics for April for : 5
4: Statistics for February for : 2
5: report for Thu May 1 00:01:01 GMT 2014....... : 2
6: Bye bye Agent, hello Unison.................................... : 2
Top 0 cross-posted groups
Top 9 User Agents by poster
1: Gnus........................................................... : 2
2: Forte Agent.................................................... : 2
3: Mozilla........................................................ : 2
4: Unknown........................................................ : 2
5: slrn........................................................... : 2
6: Unison......................................................... : 1
7: G2............................................................. : 1
8: Claws Mail 3.9.3 (GTK+ 2.24.13; x86_64-vlocity-linux-gnu)...... : 1
9: Turnpike....................................................... : 1
Top 9 User Agents by number of posts
1: Unison.................................................... : 7 (29%)
2: Claws Mail 3.9.3 (GTK+ 2.24.13; x86_64-vlocity-linux-gnu). : 4 (17%)
3: slrn...................................................... : 3 (12%)
4: Mozilla................................................... : 2 ( 8%)
5: Gnus...................................................... : 2 ( 8%)
6: unknown................................................... : 2 ( 8%)
7: Forte Agent............................................... : 2 ( 8%)
8: G2........................................................ : 1 ( 4%)
9: Turnpike.................................................. : 1 ( 4%)
Top 10 time zones
1: UTC............................................................ : 24
This was auto-posted using a script by Garry Knight.
Please send questions or comments to ***